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Customers care what your brand stands for, offers, and why it is different
Position your brand to gain a competitive advantage
PUERTO RICO — Set your brand apart in the eyes of your customer in order to gain a competitive edge.
“Customers care what your brand stands for, what it offers and why it is different.” Don’t worry about your name, logo or tagline. A well-positioned brand can change perceptions, drive loyalty and get a premium price, in turn driving sales and profits, said Warren Ellish, president and CEO of Ellish Marketing Group, during a presentation at the 2014 CARSTAR National Conference in San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Warren Ellish addresses CARSTAR 25th Convention in Puerto Rico

Branding expert and franchise marketing speaker Warren Ellish
“To gain a competitive edge, you need to have as large a core of brand advocates as possible,” he said. How do you build brand advocates? As an MSO, “you need a brand that is properly and consistently positioned.” Positioning will aid in getting your desired message across to the people you want to reach and making an impression that will last. Positioning is the way you want the customer to think about your product or service relative to competing brands,” says Ellish, who is also a senior lecturer at Cornell University Johnson Graduate School of Management.
There are three areas to be tackled in brand positioning:
• Point of difference: The specific consumer benefit you want consumers to associate most readily with your product. What is different about your brand? What does it offer that other brands can’t?
• Frame of reference: What business are you in? The consumer group of like products and services
• Market target: Consumers that you consider to be good potential users for your product or service.
“When customers come in, they have chosen your brand over others. To gain a competitive edge, you have to wow every customer. They must feel like we truly appreciate their business, and leave with a great feeling about doing business with you and your brand,” Ellish says. “When you deliver on these critical things, you will profitably build your business and that of everyone
else in your brand, and together we will build a large base of brand advocates.” “There is power in numbers, so use your scale to your advantage. Each and every good and bad review reflects on the entire brand. You are one brand. Keep the message consistent and leverage your scale. Stand as a unified brand, and you will gain a competitive edge,” he says.
Don’t Let A Point Of Similarity Become Your Point Of Difference
Successfully identifying and securing a powerful brand positioning is of critical importance to every brand. It is helpful to anyone who wants to influence other people. Whether you are promoting a product, a service, a cause, a candidate, an organization, an institution or even yourself and your own career. Positioning will aid in getting your desired message across to the people you want to reach and make an impression that lasts.
One of the critical steps in developing a powerful brand positioning is to identify your brands point of difference – – the specific consumer benefit which you want consumers to associate most readily with your product or service. What does your brand do that no one else’s brand does as well and that your target cares about?
When defining your brands point of difference, don’t let a point of similarity become your point of difference. So often I see this.
When speaking recently to industry audiences on branding and brand positioning (National Restaurant Association Show, International Franchise Association National Convention and Entrepreneurs’ Organization Global Leadership Conference) or to the executive teams of clients, I ask three short questions: How many of your grew up wanting to be average? Or just like everyone else? Or of good quality? Rarely do I see any hands or much of a positive response. However, many brand leaders are perfectly OK about making their brands just like this – – average, just like everyone else and good.
Many of the items that are an integral part of your product/service but are not preemptive, ownable and defendable become points of entry into your competitive set and are nothing more than points of similarity. Yes, they are all important to your product or service and in many cases you must deliver on these flawlessly just to be in business. But this is not what sets you apart, not a reason a customer should or will choose to use your brand over competitor brands, and most definitely this is not a reason for them to ever become a brand advocate.
For more information on how to quickly and affordably position and brand your business to succeed in today’s competitive marketplace, visit, or reach Warren directly at 303-762-0360 or moc.gnitekramhsillenull@hsille.nerraw.
Franchise Direct Interview With Cornell’s Warren Ellish
If you’re interested in brand positioning or branding, you may have come across the work of Warren Ellish, a renowned practitioner and speaker on brand positioning and branding, a faculty member at Cornell University’s Johnson Graduate School of Management and the President and CEO of Ellish Marketing Group. Mr. Ellish will be presenting his thoughts on brand positioning at the IFA Convention February 13, 2012 (a week from today) at 10:15AM, and we thought it might be a good opportunity to ask him a few questions about brand positioning and branding as well as his thoughts on the session he’ll be presenting at #IFA2012. Full interview at:
Marketing: Brand Positioning – Is your brand strategically positioned with its message clearly communicated?
Is your brand strategically positioned with its message clearly communicated?
Are you sure?
The effective development of brand positioning for any brand will aid in getting your desired message across and make an impression that lasts. Positioning is the way in which you want the consumer to think about your business (products and services) relative to competing brands. It is the most basic of all strategic statements, provides the blueprint for the marketing and development of the brand, and focuses the efforts of all those involved in brand activities.
Without a concise brand positioning statement with a competitive “point of difference” and complete management alignment behind this positioning, it will be difficult to communicate a clear and meaningful message about your brand. A brand must make a strong impression that lasts and translates into profitable sales and long-term growth.
You don’t have to embark on a lengthy and expensive consumer research study to find out. Just try this quick and easy exercise. You may be surprised by what you learn.
Ask each of your direct reports, each member of your marketing organization, and key external strategic and creative resources (including key consultants and all ad agency team members) to answer the following three questions:
- What business is your brand in? Your “frame of reference”.
- What is the “target market” for your brand?
- What are the “points of difference” for your brand? Note: List no more than three.
Analyze your results (or have the submissions sent to me and I will analyze them for you). If you observe either or both of the following, your brand positioning can most definitely be strengthened:
- Significant inconsistency in the answers to most if not all of the above three questions.
- “Points of difference” that are really “points of similarity” to your competition or simply “points of entry” in your business – and not pre-emptive, ownable and defendable attributes that are important to your target market.
I understand that you and your team know your business better than any outside consultant, marketing or advertising company does. Where I can assist you is by starting with my proprietary one-day positioning methodology, working directly with you and members of your team, to clearly state and communicate the core elements of a successful positioning for your brand. The end result will be the development of a concise positioning statement, agreed upon by your core management team that reflects the following three elements:
- Target market (the customers you are marketing your products/services to)
- Frame of Reference/Competitive set (what business you are in)
- Point(s) of difference (the specific consumer benefit that is preemptive, ownable and defendable that you want consumers to associate most readily with your products/services).
The positioning statement will be summarized into the following format:
To _______________ (Market Target), Brand X is the brand of _________________ (Frame of Reference) that is/that offers ________________ (Point of Difference).
Your brand will be in good company. I’ve used this approach to successfully position hundreds of well-known brands for a diverse group of companies, from Fortune 500’s to start-ups and turnarounds. Our positioning work includes international, national, regional and local brands across many industries.
You can also hear me speak more about “The Three Critical Steps to Positioning Your Franchise or Restaurant Into a World-Class Brand” at the upcoming International Franchise Association (IFA) Convention in Orlando, FL on February 13th and at the National Restaurant Association (NRA) Show in Chicago, IL on May 7th.
For more information on how to quickly and affordably properly position your brand to compete successfully in today’s competitive marketplace visit, or reach me directly at 303-762-0360 or moc.gnitekramhsillenull@hsille.nerraw.
Meyer & Lydiatt Family Dentistry Chooses Ellish Marketing Group as Agency of Record
Ellish Marketing Group (EMG), a leading authority on brand positioning and marketing to a wide range of businesses including restaurants, dental practices, retailers and consumer product companies, announced that Meyer & Lydiatt Family Dentistry, Colorado Springs’ premier dental practice, has chosen Ellish Marketing Group as marketing and advertising agency of record. EMG will manage branding, marketing and advertising for the practice.
Meyer & Lydiatt Family Dentistry has been serving the dental needs of families in Colorado Springs since 1980. Doctors Roger Meyer and John Lydiatt bring fifty years of personalized professional experience in putting smiles on patients” faces. The practice is located at 6665 Delmonico Drive (Suite C) at the southeast corner of E. Rockrimmon Boulevard and Delmonico Road – just one mile west of I-25 and Woodmen Road.
“We are excited to have Ellish Marketing Group put their proven marketing approach to generating high-quality new patients for our practice while also building our brand as the premier Colorado Springs dental practice,” says Dr. Roger Meyer. Partner Dr. John Lydiatt added, “After having spent time with Warren Ellish and seeing first hand the depth of experience and the track record of successes he has had, we are pleased to have Ellish Marketing Group spearhead our efforts to grow our dental practice professionally and profitably.”
“Meyer & Lydiatt Family Dentistry is a great dental brand and an established member of the Colorado Springs community,” said President and CEO of Ellish Marketing Group, Warren Ellish. “We look forward to developing a strategic marketing communication plan and to generating new high-quality patients in just a matter of weeks – and then every month for many years to come.”
Ellish Marketing Group Announces Launch of New Website; Brings a New Approach to Being Social and Showcasing Client Successes
Ellish Marketing Group (EMG), a leading authority on brand positioning and marketing to a wide range of businesses including restaurants, dental practices, retailers and consumer product companies, today announced the launch of its new website at The new website will be available on all traditional and mobile platforms.
The new EMG website contains over a dozen success stories featuring examples of positioning brands to effectively compete in today’s competitive marketplace, identifying breakthrough consumer insights, launching new concepts and products, and revitalizing turnaround businesses.
Marketing speaker Warren Ellish, a well-respected practitioner and lecturer on the topic of brand positioning (Cornell University Johnson Graduate School of Management faculty), who is personally responsible for developing the brand positioning for hundreds of well-known international, domestic, regional and local brands is also featured in the website. His upcoming speaking engagements at the International Franchise Association Convention, the National Restaurant Association Show and at top business schools are highlighted.
“The new Ellish Marketing Group website clearly communicates our marketing and consulting core practice areas and discusses the successes we have had with our clients using our Six-Point Approach of positioning, focusing, planning, developing, executing and evaluating,” said Warren Ellish Founder, President and CEO of Ellish Marketing Group. “Our internally developed website brings a new approach to websites being social.”
Special thanks go out to EMG team members Jim, Jeff, Jason (our three J’s) and Lauren for making the new site a reality.
Check it out – New website launched
0Today marks the launch of our new website at Please check out the new website and let us know what you think.
As a leading authority on brand positioning and marketing to a wide range of businesses including restaurants, dental practices, retailers and consumer product companies, we will be blogging on subjects relevant to these core practice areas.
The new EMG website contains over a dozen success stories featuring examples of positioning brands to effectively compete in today’s competitive marketplace, identifying breakthrough consumer insights, launching new concepts and products, and revitalizing turnaround businesses.
Marketing speaker Warren Ellish, a well-respected practitioner and lecturer on the topic of brand positioning (Cornell University Johnson Graduate School of Management faculty), who is personally responsible for developing the brand positioning for hundreds of well-known international, domestic, regional and local brands is also featured in the website. His upcoming speaking engagements at the International Franchise Association Convention, the National Restaurant Association Show and at top business schools are highlighted.
“The new Ellish Marketing Group website clearly communicates our marketing and consulting core practice areas and discusses the successes we have had with our clients using our Six-Point Approach of positioning, focusing, planning, developing, executing and evaluating,” said Warren Ellish Founder, President and CEO of Ellish Marketing Group. “Our internally developed website brings a new approach to websites being social.”
Special thanks go out to the EMG team of Jim, Jeff, Jason (our three J’s) and Lauren for making the new site a reality.