“When we were first setting up what would eventually become LookFar, I knew we needed professional help of the highest caliber. I had been lucky enough to attend one of Warren Ellish’s talks at the EO Global Leadership Conference in Chicago about a year earlier and it really resonated with me. I decided that since Warren was the best I’d ever heard speak on the subject of marketing and branding that I should reach out and see about working with him. That was 100% the right move. Warren, and then later his team, walked us through articulating the guiding principles that inform our Company’s every action to this day.
Our work with Warren was far beyond developing a name and a logo, even though those came out the best of any I’ve done in almost 30 years in business. We realized what we were trying to do and what LookFar would stand for. Years later, it is still amazing how on the mark we landed during our work with Warren. Truly the professional’s professional and an inspiration to me on how to communicate what you stand for and care about.”
Chris Reade, President & Founder, LookFar